Center for Accounting and Auditing (CAA)
Functions and objectives: Interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer with foci on accounting and reporting for internal and external purpose as well as internal and external auditing with respects to the private and the public sector
Main research fields: Management Accounting Systems, Financial Accounting Systems, Management Control Systems, Auditing, Assurance as well as bordering research areas
CAA is an institut of the faculty of Economic and Social Science, University of Rostock. The constitutive meeting took place on the 15th of October 2015.
Founder members are professors from four faculties of he University of Rostock:
- Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Science
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Informatics and Electronical Engeneering
- Faculty of Economic and Social Science
Executive Director:
Prof. Dr. Peter Christoph Lorson
Chair of Financial and Management Accounting, Controlling, Auditing
E-Mail: peter.lorson(at)uni-rostock(dot)de
Vice Executive Director:
Prof. Dr. Anja-Ursula Hucke
Chair of Civil Law, Corporate and Business Law, German and European Business and Corporate Law
E-Mail: anja.hucke(at)uni-rostock(dot)de
Prof. Dr. Michael Fellmann
Junior Professorship for Business Informatics
Prof. Dr. Stefan Göbel
Chair of Corporate Accounting and Company Taxation
Prof. Dr. Susanne Homölle
Chair of Banking and Business Finance
Prof. Dr. Anja-Ursula Hucke
Chair of Civil Law, Corporate and Business Law, German and European Business and Corporate Law
Prof. Dr. Michael Leyer
Junior Professorship for Service Management
Prof. Dr. Peter Christoph Lorson
Chair of Financial and Management Accounting, Controlling, Auditing
Hon.-Prof. Dr. Winfried Melcher
Honary Professor for Auditing
Prof. Dr. Kurt Sandkuhl
Chair of Business Information Systems
Bianca Dogge
External Ph.D student
Carolin Dürr
External Ph.D student
Dr. Ellen Haustein
Research fellow, Chair of Financial and Management Accounting, Controlling, Auditing
Wolfgang Maier
External Ph.D student
Maik Moser
Research fellow, Chair of Financial Accounting and Business Taxation
Andrea Zasada
External Ph.D student